
SEO Case Study

Teensy Tots is an online children’s clothing store that specializes in baptismal clothing for babies and toddlers. They were originally founded under the name “” but changed the name in 2012 to tap new markets like party clothes or holiday costumes. As “”, the company had very high search rankings; however, the domain name and

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Creating Your Web Store

US online retail sales will reach $370 billion by 2017, up from $262 billion in 2013 — a 10% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next five years. Competition for online dollars will grow. To compete effectively, online sellers must focus on two critical points: Generate Trust Effective Presentation Download your FREE white paper

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Retail Forecast for 2014

The retail forecast for 2014, to sum, is mobile and is Amazon. According to the 2014 WalkerSands “Reinventing Retail” whitepaper, retailers should expect renewed competition from Amazon and stronger marketing headwinds from mobile advertising and customer use of mobile eCommerce. The study surveyed 1,000 customers to determine buying habits and technology use. Retail Forecast: Amazon

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The Lean Startup for SEO

The hard part about SEO is that there are too many unknowns. Traffic patterns, changes with Google, and errors on your site create uncertainty. And uncertainty is something that you can’t measure. If you can’t measure it, you’re not going to improve site traffic. The solution? Treat your website like a science experiment. The Lean

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